Baby Verses
Welcome to our Baby Verses page which features completely free content that you are free to use in any way you wish.
We go the extra mile to make sure that those special occasions in your life are extra special.
Whether you buy a greetings card or make your own, we provide you with free verses and poems to personalise your card.
Please enjoy browsing through all of our free content and we hope you find exactly what you are looking for.
A bundle of joy to simply adore,
Now who in the world could ask for more!
A new little baby to cuddle and love,
To spoil just a little and think the world of.
Lullabies and Laughter,
Lots of baby things,
And then to fill your heart,
The love a baby brings
So your baby is here!
What joy and what pleasure!
Now your life is expanding,
To make room for this treasure
A new Mum and Dad,
A safe arrival,
You must be so glad.
Now it’s all nappies,
And bottles galore!
There will be so little leisure-time
Like you had before.
But don’t fret about that,
It’s all a great pleasure,
So cherish your wee one,
For she’s/he’s such a treasure
Life is filled with lots of things
That make it all worthwhile
But none is better than the love found
In your Baby’s smile
A baby is a gift of life
Born of the wonder of love,
A little bit of eternity
Sent from the Lord above,
Giving a new dimension
To the love between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
To the wonder and mystery of life
Ten tiny fingers that always want to play
That never stop exploring the wonder of today
Ten tiny fingers that from the very start
Will reach out for tomorrow, yet aways hold your heart
It’s fun to hold and cuddle them
It’s fun to watch them grow
And to dress them up & show them off
To everyone you know
So it isn’t hard to understand
How happy you must be
With darling little baby twins
Added to your family!
See, a new parent’s work
Is just never quite done,
But you’ll never mind,
‘Cause it’s all so much fun
Precious one,
So small, So sweet
Dancing in on angel feet
Straight from Heaven’s brightest star
What a miracle you are!
A precious treasure to call your own
Bringing love and joy into your home
A Baby is a Blessing
A Gift from Heaven above
A Precious Little Angel
To Cherish and to Love
This little gift
For baby things
A wish for lots
Of happy things
A gift for someone
Sweet and Small
With warmest wishes
To you all
Blessings came in many shapes,
in sizes large and small,
but a brand new little baby
is the sweetest of them all
There’s nothing like a baby
To put new joy in life
And give each day new meaning
For a husband and a wife
That’s why it’s such a pleasure
To congratulate you two
And wish the best of everything
For baby and for you