Christening Verses

Welcome to our Christening Verses page which features completely free content that you are free to use in any way you wish.
We go the extra mile to make sure that those special occasions in your life are extra special.

Whether you buy a greetings card or make your own, we provide you with free verses and poems to personalise your card.
Please enjoy browsing through all of our free content and we hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

A small child
So precious and sweet,
Has come into your lives
To make it complete.
Today is so special
In every which way
Enjoy baby (name)’s
Special Naming Day


First came love,
Then came marriage,
Then came (name)
In a baby carriage.
Now’s the time
To make it all complete
And to hold the Christening
Of this child so sweet


It’s young (name)’s Christening
This card is sent to say
Enjoy, and be filled with pride
On your very special day


We thank you Lord in all your wisdom
Watch over our child this day (s)he is Christened


You’ve been a special blessing 
since the day that you arrived,
Bringing so much happiness
and filling hearts with pride…
And now that it’s your
Christening Day, 
this brings a special prayer
That God will always keep
you in the shelter
of His care


You have come into the world so tiny,
Yet with such great promise for the future.
Before you were even born,
God planned wonderful things for you.
As you are baptised,
May you feel His love
And the love of those around you,
And may you always follow in His way


The Lord will always walk with you
Along lifes blessed beach,
His footprints there beside your own
Always within reach


Thank you for being our Godchild
We’ll wrap you in our prayers,
And ask the Lord to keep you
In his gentle loving care


Now that it’s your Christening Day
We say a special prayer,
That God will always keep you
In his shelter and care