Easter Verses | Poems | Quotes

Free online Easter verses, Easter poems & Easter quotes for your handmade greeting cards & scrapbooks.

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Easter duck and Easter chick,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick.

Easter hats for one and all,
Easter bunny makes a call!

Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!


Bunny rabbits wiggle,
So much they make me giggle.
They wiggle their ears,
They wiggle their nose,
The tail on their rear,
Wiggles too, I suppose.
And just when I say “Stop wiggling, stop!”
They wiggle all over, and take a big hop!


May all the joys of
this glorious season
be yours.

Happy Easter


May God’s love and power,
fill your heart with joy
today and forever.

Happy Easter


Easter is a time of reflection and joy.
When we emerge from our cocoon
of doubt to fly freely
on the wings of faith.
May you be renewed and strengthened…
…in the promise of our Lord.


Glorious Easter!
Only God could have created
all the loveliness of spring.
Made the bough to bud and blossom.
Taught the robin how to sing.
Only God could have remembered,
Through the winter, cold and gray,
How to renew the earth with beauty
And give us this Easter Day.

Wishing you a Blessed Easter Season


May the spirit of hope that Easter brings,
Help you find contentment in little things,
And restore your faith in the Lord above,
Who gave His life for the ones He loves.

A Very Happy Easter


There is magic all around us,
You can feel it in the air,
For the lovely signs of springtime
are unfolding everywhere.
It’s a time of fulfilled promise,
It’s a time of hope and cheer,
Joyful time of resurrection
Blessed Easter time.

Wishing You a Beautiful Easter


Easter Celebrates
God’s Gift of Love
May you see
His mighty hand
in every detail
of your life.

Happy Easter


May the spirit of hope that Easter brings,
Help you find contentment in little things,
And restore your faith in the Lord above,
Who gave His life for the ones He loves.
A Very Happy Easter.


You, my friend, are one
great reason to celebrate
this Easter season.
Wishing you an Easter that’s
as special as can be


As spring comes to the world,
bringing sunshine and gladness…
…this comes to you
bringing wishes for joy.
Happy Easter


The great gift of Easter is hope, Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God,
in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake


This Easter may you be blessed with lots of love and hope.
Happy Easter to you my beloved friend


Easter reminds us about God’s never ending love for us.
Let us all together praise and worship God for his endless blessings.
Have a blessed Easter


See the land, her Easter keeping,
Rises as her Maker rose.
Seeds, so long in darkness sleeping,
Burst at last from winter snows.
Earth with heaven above rejoices


The Lord came to earth with a life to give, so each one of us may continue to live.
Happy Easter