Fathers Day Messages

Welcome to our Fathers Day Messages page which features completely free content that you are free to use in any way you wish.
We go the extra mile to make sure that those special occasions in your life are extra special.

Whether you buy a greetings card or make your own, we provide you with free verses and poems to personalise your card.
Please enjoy browsing through all of our free content and we hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

No one take place of your father
He is only to protect you and work for you in day and night
No one came better for you but your father
Happy Fathers day.


I Cannot Think Of
Any Need In Childhood
As Strong As The Need
For A Father’s Protection.
Happy Father’s Day!


We Never Know The Love Of A Parent
Till We Become Parents Ourselves!!

Do Love Your Parents!

Happy Father’s Day


A Father means so many things…
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support right from the very start.
Happy Fathers Day


I wish u all the best in life and long life.
U r the reason I’m here and everything what I am.
Thank you 4 what u done 4 me.
Happy Father’s day


Having a great dad like you is something you don’t appreciate fully until you get out on your own and realize all the lessons that your dad taught you are making you life a lot easier. Thanks for helping me learn some lessons the easy way.


Dad, there’s no possible way I could pay you back for all that you have done for me growing up, but I do want to say thank you and let you know I greatly appreciate all your hard work raising me.


It was really difficult to find a father’s day card that could express what I wanted to say to you.  Most of the cards used negative stereotypes about dads being lazy, beer drinking, and sports nuts.  Thank you for not living up to these negative stereotypes.


I’m not sure how many times I’ve heard ‘wait until your father gets home.’ It turns out it wasn’t that bad when you got home.  Thanks for not freaking out about what I did while you were at work.


I still haven’t mastered the art of the pull my finger fart despite all the many lessons you gave me growing up.


In happiness, in sorrow
You were always there for me
I may not have always said it
But, it’s the day to say it loud.
‘I Love You Dad’
Wish you a superb Father’s Day!


Here’s a little song to say “Happy, happy Father’s day!”
No one’s Father is so sweet.
Your kind ways just can’t be beat.
Happy happy Father’s day;
I love you in a big way!
With Love on Father’s Day.


Daddy is my special friend,
The two of us are buddies.
I always like the things we do,
I’m thankful for my daddy.
Happy Father’s Day Dad!!