Retirement Messages

Welcome to our Retirement Messages page which features completely free content that you are free to use in any way you wish.
We go the extra mile to make sure that those special occasions in your life are extra special.

Whether you buy a greetings card or make your own, we provide you with free verses and poems to personalise your card.
Please enjoy browsing through all of our free content and we hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

It’s time for you to look back with pride and satisfaction on years well lived and look forward to all the things you’re yet to enjoy!


Even though you’re leaving us, we know you’ll have a great time.
Retiring is not an end to life, it’s a chance to let loose and totally unwind


Don’t simply retire from something, have something to retire to


Now at last you will have the chance to discover the beauty of the world,
to do whatever you want and to be late whenever you want


You have worked hard
Over the years
So it is very clear
Retirement is on the cards
No more early rising
This you won’t miss
Which is not surprising
What bliss
A break, it’s time to take
An easy choice to make
Whatever you decide
Enjoy the ride


Congratulations on your Retirement, enjoy the rest of your life!


Retirement means no pressure, no stress, no heartache… unless you play golf
Retirement is a time when you never get around to doing all those things you intended to do when you were still working
The worst thing about retirement is having to drink coffee on your own time

May there be a whole new kind of life ahead of you, full of lots of wonderful experiences just waiting to happen. Some call it “retirement” — but you, of course, will experience it as bliss.


May you always have work
for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold
always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright
on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain
to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend
always be near you.
And may God fill your heart
with gladness to cheer you.


At last you will get rid of boring colleagues, annoying bosses and painful duties. The only thing we ask is: pray for us to have the same opportunity one day”!


Happy days are here at last. The days of 9 to 5 are past. You’ve worked all your life and paid your dues, Now you’ll do just what you choose.