Thank You Notes

Welcome to our Thank You Notes page which features completely free content that you are free to use in any way you wish.
We go the extra mile to make sure that those special occasions in your life are extra special.

Whether you buy a greetings card or make your own, we provide you with free verses and poems to personalise your card.
Please enjoy browsing through all of our free content and we hope you find exactly what you are looking for.

T hank you for
H olding my hand
A sking me how I feel
N ever undermining me
K eeping my secrets
Y ou bring out the best in me
O ur bond grows only stronger
U R undeniably special


Thank you for listening,
Hearing me out.
All my sad sorrow
Needed, no doubt,
Kindness and sharing.
Yours the love strong,
Open and caring,
Under my song.


Thank you for coming,
Holding me dear,
Although you have known me
No more than one year.
Know that I know what
Your words want to say,
Older than sunshine
Upon a new day.


You always do such thoughtul things
that have your special touch.
It was really very nice of you,
and so I thank you very much!


You always do such thoughtful things,
That have your special touch.
It certainly was nice of you,
Thanks very, very much!


Just a card to thank you,
And a line to tell you too.
Nothing could have been more welcome,
Than that thoughtful gift from you.

And as the years shall come and go,
Your gift will give us pleasure.
And bring you back to us again,
In memories to treasure.